Two down, one month to go… Ilina Filipova 08/24/2023

Two down, one month to go…

As we find ourselves basking in the warmth of the sun and the gentle caress of the ocean breeze, we are reminded that two glorious months of summer have already passed. We’re left with the anticipation of just one more month, in which we are able to fully immerse ourselves in the splendour of the Summer season.

I was very fortunate to be able to attend the opening of the new Underwater Archaelogical Park in Xlendi, Gozo – The perfect opportunity for one to imagine the delicate intricacy of a seashell’s spiral pattern, echoing the graceful swirls found in the most enchanting pieces of artwork. The deep blue hue of the Mediterranean sea is the perfect background colour for the seabed’s wide arrange of colours to shine bright, mesmerising all those who visit.

Summer holidays are a time of respite, adventure, and a deep connection with nature’s vibrant hues. It’s a time when the world is painted in the most exquisite colours, reminiscent of the shades found in art and paintings.

Amidst the golden sands and cerulean waves, there exists a world of intricate beauty that often goes unnoticed — the patterns and textures of seashells. These marine treasures, scattered along the shores, bear witness to the mysteries of the ocean depths and hold within them a symphony of colours that captivate the heart and soul.

Summer holidays are a time of respite, adventure, and a deep connection with nature’s vibrant hues. It’s a time when the world is painted in the most exquisite colours, reminiscent of the shades found in art and paintings.

From the soft pastels of sunrise to the fiery reds of sunset, seashells showcase a spectrum of colours that mirror the very essence of summer.

The vibrant hues that adorn these shells, whether it’s the coral pink of a conch or the pearlescent shimmer of an abalone, serve as a testament to nature’s unparalleled artistry. Each seashell tells a unique story, reflecting the play of light and water, and capturing the essence of summer’s vibrancy.

As we savour the remaining days of this season, we are drawn to the enchanting correlation between the colours of summer and those found in the world of art. The blues of the sky and the ocean evoke feelings of serenity, much like the tranquil strokes of an acrylic painting.

Amidst the golden sands and cerulean waves, there exists a world of intricate beauty that often goes unnoticed — the patterns and textures of seashells. These marine treasures, scattered along the shores, bear witness to the mysteries of the ocean depths and hold within them a symphony of colours that captivate the heart and soul.

From the soft pastels of sunrise to the fiery reds of sunset, seashells showcase a spectrum of colours that mirror the very essence of summer.

The vibrant hues that adorn these shells, whether it’s the coral pink of a conch or the pearlescent shimmer of an abalone, serve as a testament to nature’s unparalleled artistry. Each seashell tells a unique story, reflecting the play of light and water, and capturing the essence of summer’s vibrancy.

As we savour the remaining days of this season, we are drawn to the enchanting correlation between the colours of summer and those found in the world of art. The blues of the sky and the ocean evoke feelings of serenity, much like the tranquil strokes of an acrylic painting.

The lush greens of the wide array of trees and the foliage mirror the vitality seen in Impressionist landscapes, where the interplay of light and shadow creates a dance of colours. Even the vivid yellows of the sun find their counterpart in the bold strokes of a sunflower painting, radiating warmth and energy.

Summer holidays offer a unique opportunity to explore, rejuvenate, and connect with the world around us. The colours that define this season not only delight our senses but also inspire us to see the world through the eyes of an artist. Whether we’re gazing at the intricate patterns of seashells, taking in the vivid scenery of a coastal paradise, or simply enjoying the vibrant tones of a sunset, we are reminded of the kaleidoscope of beauty that summer brings.

As we step into the final month of this cherished season, let us embrace the vivid palette that surrounds us. Let us draw inspiration from the seashell’s intricate patterns and textures, and let their vibrant colours infuse our days with wonder.

Just as an artist uses a canvas to capture the essence of nature, we have the privilege of immersing ourselves in the living masterpiece that is summer. So, let us paint our memories with the hues of sunsets, seashells, and the boundless joy that this season brings.

📱Contact me on:

T: +356 79729227

@: [email protected]

More artworks can be viewed here: https://www.artfinder.com/artist/artofilina/me-at-work/#