Character, Canvas and Cats Ilina Filipova 08/01/2024

Character, Canvas and Cats

A Journey Through Malta and Gozo’s Village Cores

The charm of Malta and Gozo lies not only in our azure seas, and sun-drenched landscapes. Our quaint village cores dot our landscape, showcasing their endless character to those who wander.

Recently, I had the pleasure of completing two commissioned paintings. I’m proud of how they capture the essence of these traditional villages. Each painting is a testament to the rich history, and unique character of these Mediterranean gems that we call home.

Colour and Shade

Malta’s and Gozo’s village cores are a labyrinth of narrow, winding streets. Each turn revealing a new surprise. Our architecture is a beautiful blend of the baroque, the neoclassical, and the vernacular styles, which together narrate a tale of centuries past. The walls, built from the iconic Maltese limestone, glow with a honeyed hue under the Mediterranean sun, giving our villages a warm, inviting feel to the many tourists who come over.

These villages are often centred around a piazza, where life seems to slow down. Here, locals gather to chat, children play, and the elderly sit on benches, observing the rhythm of daily life. It is in these simple yet vibrant scenes that the true character of Malta and Gozo is revealed — a character rooted in community, tradition, and the leisurely pace of island life.

Fixtures and Felines

Our gallariji jut out from the walls of old stone houses, painted in an array of vibrant colours that stand out against the pale stone. These balconies are not just decorative but are a testament to our resourcefulness as people, designed to catch the cool sea breeze and provide shade from the scorching sun. Statues of saints and religious icons are another prominent feature, often found on street corners or adorning the façades of houses. These statues are a reflection of the deep-rooted Catholic faith of our people – their loving maintenance by all the different residents, speaks of our dedication and loyalty. Each statue tells a story: a blend of devotion and artistry that adds a sacred dimension to the everyday landscape.

And then, there are the street cats. Our feline residents are as much a part of the village fabric as the people. These cats, often seen lounging on sunlit steps or weaving through narrow alleys, add a touch of whimsy and life to the scene. They are beloved by locals and visitors alike – their presence is a reminder of the easygoing and welcoming nature of island life.

Bringing the Villages to Canvas

Capturing the essence of these villages on canvas is both a challenge and a joy. My recent paintings aimed to immortalise the unique blend of history, architecture, and daily life that defines the village cores of Malta and Gozo.

Each brushstroke was a step into the past, each composition a celebration of the present, and each painting an extra step in the artistic preservation of the island’s cultural heritage.

Order Your Own Customised Painting

If you are captivated by the charm of Malta and Gozo’s villages and wish to bring a piece of this Mediterranean magic into your home, consider commissioning your own customized painting.

Each piece is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that the unique character and beauty of these islands are captured forever on canvas.

Whether it’s a beloved village scene or a specific feature that holds personal significance, I would be delighted to create a painting that speaks to your heart.

Embrace the timeless beauty of Malta and Gozo. Contact me today to discuss your vision and bring a piece of these enchanting islands into your life through art.


Contact me to bring your vision to life, creating whatever your heart desires to add a touch of personality to your home or office space.

Contact me at +356 79729227 or [email protected] to schedule your visit. Discover more of my artworks at www.artofilina.com and https://www.artfinder.com/artist/artofilina/me-at-work/#.