A city straight out of a canvas Ilina Filipova 08/14/2024

A city straight out of a canvas


The silent city. The imperious former Maltese capital. It’s a historical landmark endowed with so many stories, and so much inspiration oozing out of every stone, corner, statute or alley dotted around this small, yet significant and stupendous location.

In short – Mdina is truly a city full to the brim with colour, character and charm. At first glance, to capture all these attributes, using mere paint and a brush, is no mean feat. 

And yet, such is the allure of Mdina, that it renders itself so amenable to any painting or artistic representation. With the right talent, dedication and experience, capturing the beauty of this charming old city onto a still representation, becomes a magical experience. This notwithstanding, to create these incredible works with such simplicity, calls for a gift given to the very few.

Roaming the streets of Mdina with a camera, invites you to take a photo wherever you pause. Taking a photo is easy, and the result will always come good no matter how skilful a snapper you are. But capturing the scenes in your mind and later transforming them to canvas, is an entirely different matter.

First, you have a blank canvas starting at you in the centre of the studio.

Then you have a selection of acrylic colours begging you to use them. But which to use?

Your mind goes back to the beautiful narrow streets of Mdina, and then your brush, seemingly, obtains a mind of its own.

The artist becomes a conductor – Combining the right amount of colours, in order to portray the Maltese limestone, the colours balconies, the many cats patrolling the narrow streets…. Almost as if they’re ready to burst out.

Such is the ever-present, everlasting magic of Mdina.


Contact me to bring your vision to life, creating whatever your heart desires to add a touch of personality to your home or office space.

Contact me at +356 79729227 or [email protected] to schedule your visit. Discover more of my artworks at www.artofilina.com and https://www.artfinder.com/artist/artofilina/me-at-work/#.